Book Trailer Experts

BOOK TRAILER EXPERTS is a talented group of award winning producers, television studio executives, and marketing pros that create terrific book trailers.

Clients tell me now and them, “I’m disappointed” in this or that. What a waste of time and energy! Don’t invest your spirit in disappointment. It’s simply counterproductive. I “send out” so many things—books, notes, emails,  proposals, faxes, calls—and invest all my energy in DOING. Sooner or later the sheer momentum of this approach creates days in which all kinds of wonderful things happen that I’d even forgotten I’d started (and had no time to think or feel about). Thinking is bad. Feeling is bad. Being in the moment—and DOING--is all. “Action,” said Shakespeare, “is eloquence.” Or, Sinatra: DO BE DO BE DO….Read and Review MESSIAH MATRIX!


I shared a few pages of criticism with a writer, and he wanted to know if I no longer wanted to pursue his project. I wrote back, “Of course I want to go forward! Criticism always surrounds every project that’s ever been made. Some of it is useful and can improve the project. Some of it is to be ignored. Vision prevails.” The truth is that getting hard criticism, forthright and direct, is the most precious gift a writer can get. Most people in the industry don’t bother to share their critical thoughts. They just pass or move forward without comment. You can only LEARN from criticism, and the rule is “take what you like, and ignore the rest.” Even the greatest films—measured by box office or awards—are surrounded with criticism. Why shouldn’t yours be too? Criticism, used wisely, is the fertilizer of creative growth.


You’re definitely making progress. Progress is steady progress toward a worthy goal and you are steadily progressing toward your goal of visibility for your story. Progress doesn’t always manifest itself along the way. It often just “suddenly” happens. That’s what they mean when they say he ‘became an overnight success in ten years.’! If you have doubts about this, you’re wasting your time and interfering with your progress.


Primitive man, rapidly whirling a rhomb, believed that its murmuring hum was the voice of a spirit. Why did he not think the noise he made by striking a stick against a tree or clapping stones together was a voice? Perhaps because the hum sounded like speech, sustained and resonant, but a more likely reason is that the cause of the sound was unknown. The uncaused is the product of an unseen creator, an apparently uncaused human behavior is attributed to an inner man.—B. F. Skinner, Notebooks